ALPHA – the global player for industry and infrastructure offering customized solutions.
We provide solutions with high compliance and responsibility.
We combine high engineering skills with excellent
managing of complex projects.
We support our clients throughout the entire project cycle – from identifying needs to financial engineering, designing, supply chain, operating up to decommissioning, bringing in all our professional expertise to operate in the most challenging contexts.
ALPHA offers a complete range of engineering and planning
services, starting from your project idea through the complete
life-cycle of your assets.
Early Stage Work
Financial Engineering
Conceptual Design
Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies
Field Development Planning
Technology Selection
Evaluation + Design
Project Definition
Basic Design
Project Managing
General exporting
Design services
Cost Estimation
Cybersecurity concepts
Securing technical compliance
Improving life–cycle
Project Modifications
Digital Transformation and
Decommissioning Studies